Our Future Plans

Jacob Judge x Skystorm Ray of Hope

Jacob Judge brings size, bone a compact square frame, breadth and a nice head. We feel he will compliment Bertha as well as add some new genetics to her pedigree.


Betha has height, bone and a great head. She is athletic and functional a great guard dog and has a lovely temperament. These two should produce a nice solid, athletic functional dogs with good structure. This is a complete outcross of lines and brings in good diversity.

Mascot Millenium U You & Only You x Skystorm Trip the Light Fantastic

Youshi brings old championship blood from South African dogs exported to Russia in the late 1990s andearly 2020s. Crossed with newer blood from Nyamvubu and the Netherlands. Some notable Champions in his lines include Maglor Absoltunaya Vlast, Afrika Chaka Zulu, Welbekend Kojack, TNT Mascot Millenium Bridgite. He is a typical working line Boerboel and just wants to work and please.


Rori adds a complete outcross to Youshi's genetics. She has size, a fantastic typical Boerboel head, bone and structure. Her temperament is complimentary and we expect intelligent, friendly and social dogs that want to do what you ask. We expect the litter to be mostly Ultra-brindle and red brindle. 

Co-Breeding with Spitfire Boerboels - Jacob Judge x Berekai Redder than the Red Se

This litter is a linebreed on the Voorslag lines and specifically Voorslag Sampie. Sampie is in many many pedigrees through his daughter R+M Barbie and son Voorslag Piksteel.


Mitzie brings with her a stellar pedigree with Makulu Laanie/Linga Longer on top of Voorslag/Breker. She has such greats in her pedigree as Makulu Laanie Hanibal, Voorslag Piksteel, Driefontein Grootpraat and Breker Nella.

We are excited to see what these two can produce.

Grasland Moby x Bastian Fiela's se Kind

Moby is another old school stud. Born in 2006 he produced many stunning offspring including our own Williams Line Destiny.


Meisie brings more Voorslag lines on her mothers side and the famous Kadima Trompie is her father. Trompie has Breker Fanus, Breker Meneer and Maxipal Trompie behind him.

Meisie is still young so we will have to patiently wait to see how she turns out.

Bodington Boerboels Drax the Destroyer  x Skystorm Ray of Hope

Drax is a stunning red boy out of the outstanding Mighty Shaemus. He brings structure, bone and width. Drax has produced some stunning offspring in South Africa and it is time for him to shine in the rest of the world.


We think Bertha will compliment Drax and produce some outstanding pups.

Cabaret Jager x Skystorm Trip the Light Fantastic

We have been working on adding direct Cabaret blood to our program since visiting Brett and Amanda at Cabaret in the USA in 2017 where Mes Cabaret Tom just stunned. A lovely big boy with outstanding presence and a great temperament We have been very lucky to be able to obtain semen from a Mes Cabaret Tom son. Jager is a big balance boy with a fantastic temperament, he has the Cabaret bone and size.

Rori 2

Rori will compliment Jaeger with her bone and height. We expect to produce nice dogs with good construction, width and size. Not huge but the nice balanced size of 60-70kg for females and 75-85kg for males.

Black Iron Keeper x Bastian Fiela se Kind

Keeper is an outstanding son of Klein Sandfontein Judge and has been proven to produce world class dogs. 


Meisie will be a complete outcross to Keeper and it will be interesting to see what the more modern pedigree does with the older Voorslag and Breker blood.